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Research Library

GLI research

GLI inspires students, scholars, and leaders from around the world to listen and think differently about community development, and to provide a platform for them to formulate their questions, insights, and thoughts.

Much of the work included on this site began as a conversation on a long bus ride in Uganda, or as a debate around the fire at GLI’s Entusi Resort and Retreat Center. Our first capstone came out of a trip in 2011, and since then hundreds of scholars and community leaders have authored theses, blogs, and undergraduate essays. We think it’s important to share this work with our stakeholders and partners so it can inform thoughtful questions and inspire future research. 

We hope these pieces will provide context, perspective, and insight for scholars to build on the work of their predecessors. It is exciting to think about what this site might look like a decade from now as we continue to advance our work by listening, thinking, and acting together. 

Recent research

Further reading